Evaluasi Model Pemanfaatan Teknologi lnformasi dalam Menunjang Kinerja di PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero)

Pradipta lrlanto, Aloysius Bagas and Pramono H, Sasongko and Wlnarno , Wing Wahyu (2015) Evaluasi Model Pemanfaatan Teknologi lnformasi dalam Menunjang Kinerja di PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero). Media Teknika Jurnal Teknologi, 10 (2). pp. 132-140. ISSN 1412-5641

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This study aims to evaluate of information technology utilization models at PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI). PTDI is one example of a atate-owned company massively applying information technology to support employee's performance. The utilization models used in this study is adopted from a research model developed by Thompson, Goodhue and Delone to look at the factors that influence the use of information technology and performance. These results indicate the existence of a negative effect of faciliting conditions, and long-term consequencez of the use of information technology with the performance. This ahows the opposite relationship between them. While the suitability of the task and techology found to be positively related technology or the direction of the performance. Unidirectional relationship between conformity and technology tasks has strong correlation to the theory of Task Technology Fit (TTF) proposed by Thompson and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Venkatesh.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Model of IT utilization, PTDI, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, TAM, factors of IT utilization, Structural Equation Models (SEM)
Subjects: Teknik Informatika > Enterprise Inf System
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Industri > Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: Editor UAJY
Date Deposited: 22 Apr 2016 08:29
Last Modified: 22 Apr 2016 13:32
URI: http://e-journal.uajy.ac.id/id/eprint/9178

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