Analisis Terhadap Dampak Dibuatnya Jaminan Fidusia Dengan Perjanjian Dibawah Tangan Oleh Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (Studi Kasus Bpr Rejeki Insani Di Klaten

Putro, Peter Giovanni Handoko Suwigjo (2017) Analisis Terhadap Dampak Dibuatnya Jaminan Fidusia Dengan Perjanjian Dibawah Tangan Oleh Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (Studi Kasus Bpr Rejeki Insani Di Klaten. S1 thesis, UAJY.

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Many business activities in the country will have an impact on the economic development ofthe country. One way to maintain and sustain economic growth in this country is the absence offinancial institutions in the form ofthe Bank. Bank operations apply the precautionary principle in the credits by using a fiduciary to reduce the risk of bad debts. In practice, the implementation of the fiduciary agreement remains unfulfilled by the bank without registration must be done in accordance with the Law Fiduciary Considering this fact, the article titled ''Analysis of the impact Fiduciary Agreement made by Private Deed By Rural Bank (A Case Study ofBPR Rejeki Insani in Klaten)". This stf!.dy uses empirical legal research focused on social reality research undertaken. Methods of data collection is done with interviews, and literature. The thought process using deductive thinking that the inference ofknowledge ofa specific nature, then used to assess an event ofa general nature. In this case relates to the manufacture of fiduciary agreements by private deed and legalized by II notalY' that doesn't comply with fiduciary law and doesn't change the internal fiduciary agreement of general nature guarantee to be a special nature guarantee.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bank, Fiduciary.
Subjects: Ilmu Hukum > Ekonomi Bisnis
Divisions: Pasca Sarjana > Magister Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: Editor UAJY
Date Deposited: 29 Aug 2017 10:58
Last Modified: 29 Aug 2017 10:58

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