Tema Humor Dalam Konteks Kritik Sosial pada Tulisan dan Gambar Kaos DEC (Pendekatan Semiotika Tentang Kritik Sosial pada Kaos DEC)

Sulistyaningtyas, Ike Devi (1999) Tema Humor Dalam Konteks Kritik Sosial pada Tulisan dan Gambar Kaos DEC (Pendekatan Semiotika Tentang Kritik Sosial pada Kaos DEC). Jurnal iSiP, 11. pp. 31-40. ISSN 0854 7637

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The dynamic of the New Order's authority had put social criticism in a difficult situation. However, criticism is one of the important variables in maintaining a social system. Therefore, when there were some obstacles in the mass media to publish criticism, then alternative media occured in a form of a T-shirt. The idea was to deliver criticism covered in humor. The purpose of covering the criticism with humor was be able to express the criticism without violating the authority's regulation. The humor made the criticism acceptable. By using Semiotic Approach, it can be understood the sign codes which were used so that it would have latent meaning. The research result showed that the text used by DEC mostly employed slip humor (humor plesetan). When the slip humor had the tendency to disclose social reality and existing divergence, then it was the basic reason in using humor themes as the vehicles of social criticism.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Komunikasi > Komunikasi
Divisions: Fakultas ISIP > Ilmu komunikasi
Depositing User: Users 5931 not found.
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2019 12:11
Last Modified: 09 May 2022 09:32
URI: http://e-journal.uajy.ac.id/id/eprint/20560

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